Black heads be gone~

Hello everyone and welcome back! So, we are going to change it up a bit today with this blog post. Today we are going to be talking about the famous charcoal peel mask. I have been constantly looking for a good face mask to really help with congestion in my pores. IMG_5887I do have combination to oily skin, so I do have more breakouts than normal. I also do have problems with black heads, so when I find something that helps, I feel the need to tell everyone!!! This mask is the one that you may have seen all over YouTube or on Pinterest. This mask calls for only 2 ingredients but 3 if you want to be a little extra like myself. 😊

Grab yourself a bowl, something to mix with (I use an Elf foundation brush), Elmer’s glue, and charcoal tablets. If you want a more tingling feeling or a minty refreshing smell you can also add 1-2 drops of peppermint oil. All can be found at any store, Target, Wal-Mart etc.

Now take 2 charcoal tablets and you are going to want to break them open, so the charcoal powder falls into the bowl. Then about 1- 1 ½ tablespoons full of Elmer’s glue. Now you can stop here and begin mixing or you can add the peppermint oil now.EEKJ0913

Ok babes, now the fun part. Make sure you have a clean face, pat dry, then apply the mask to your face. You can apply this all over your face, avoiding your eyes and hair line NUYH7444and eyebrows, men avoid any facial hair. Or you can apply it to your problem areas. For me this would be my T-zone. Let dry about 20minutes. Now it is time to pull it off. Yes this can be painful but it is worth it. When removing the face mask make sure you pull the mask up to not damage tIMG_5888he skin.

Enjoy looking at the results because it is going to pull out dirt and gunk errywherreee. Now finish with any serums and moisturizers that you would normally use. Here are some pictures from my experience. Haha no judging!! Let me know what you think! Thanks for checking out this post! Love you all! Xox

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