Tara approved binge worthy Netflix shows

Hey everyone! Happy start of summer! I hope everyone has been doing well! I feel like life has been so crazy lately, that I needed to just sit down and start typing. This is one of my favorite ways to relax. There also may or may not be a glass of wine next to me as well 😊 I just recently had two weeks off work as it was the start of a mini summer break for my students before they bbingeegin summer school. That being said, I had some time to catch up what I consider “My Top Binge worthy shows on Netflix.” Here is a breakdown of my all-time favorites. If you have any suggestions let a girl know! Thanks, loves and more posts to come I PROMISE! Xoxox
Ps. The shows are not in any specific order just off the top of my head and in my currently watching section haha!

Greys Anatomy– Either I am crying tears of joy or crying tears of sadness. Either way this sgreys-anatomy-7how is going to put you in the feels. It is still currently on TV as well!
Narcos– I swear this show had narcos-coverme on my toes the entire time! It was action packed and so good! Highly recommend!
Friends– Hands down my favorite show of all time! I own all the seasons on DVD but having it on Netflix is so convenient. This show puts me in a good mood 11 times out of 10.
new-girlNew girl– This show cracks me up! Very funny cast and I believe it is still on TV as well!
Now Vampire Diaries and Pretty Little Liars I enjoyed binge watching in college with my sorority sisters! Our guilty pleasure for sure!stranger-things
Stranger things- Has been out for over a year! Such a good Sci-fi thriller
Mindhunter– Now to me this started off slow, but pulls you in! If you like spooky crime shows this one is for you!
Making a Murder– Along with the crime theme, this is another good one. This one is a documentary series, so good!
Breaking Bad– This is another classic. This is about a chemistry teacher that goes to the dark side.sons-of-anarchy-tv-show-wallpaper-17.jpg
Sons of Anarchy– I love this show! This is about a motorcycle gang and the drama that comes along with it!
Criminal Minds– I could watch this show all day! It is action packed and keeps you on your toes for sure!

Now these are only a few of my favorites. Let me know what your go to shows are! Stay tuned for my next post! xoxoxo

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